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One of the main draws of Sukamade Beach is its status as a nesting ground for various species of sea turtles, most notably the endangered Green Sea Turtle. These turtles come ashore to lay their eggs, and visitors have the incredible opportunity to witness this natural wonder during the nesting season. The beach is patrolled by conservationists who protect the nests and ensure the safety of these majestic creatures.

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Sukamade Tour Package

For information on Sukamade Beach or tour packages, you can contact us via the following email

Whatsapp : 081999638600

Stimulus Sukamade Beach

Evening activities at Sukamade Beach

Nighttime activities for visitors at Sukamade Beach are to see turtles laying their eggs.

If you are lucky, you can directly witness turtles laying eggs.

Morning activities at Sukamade Beach

In the morning, visitors are invited to return to the beach to release baby turtles.

This activity was accompanied by Merubetiri National Park officers.

Sukamade Beach

Travel Plans and Destinations

Day 1

  • 08.00 am Pickup at Airport / Station / Hotel
  • 11.00 am Lunch at a local restaurant
  • 12.00 am Seeing the making of brown sugar by the residents of Sarongan Village
  • 01.00 pm Travel to Sukamade village and check in at home stay
  • 07.00 pm dinner
  • 08.00 pm trip to Sukamade beach to see turtles laying their eggs (if you're lucky)
  • 10.00 pm Return to Homestay to rest

Day 2

  • 05.30 am Head to Sukamade Beach for the release of hatchlings or baby turtles
  • 07.00 am breakfast
  • 08.00 am Check-out from Sukamade Homestay and leave the Sukamade Village area
  • 11.00 am Lunch at a local restaurant
  • 12.00 am Delivery to hotel/station and Sukamade tour package ends


  • Brown Sugar Manufacturing Place
  • Rajegwesi Beach
  • Dragon Fruit Farming
  • Sukamade Beach

Price includes:

  • Transportation during the tour (Jeep 4×4)

  • Accommodation for 1 night at Sukamade Homestay and Consumption according to the program

  • Mineral water

  • Permits and entrance tickets to tourist destinations

  • Guide

Price does not include:

  • Airplane / train tickets
  • Personal expenses during the tour
  • Guide / driver tips


Thursday, September 14, 2023


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